December 11My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways — Prov. 23:26.
The heart, the will, thus given over to God, seeks to know the Divine will, to catch the Divine thought and to obey it in word and in act; and in proportion as this condition of the new mind is attained, in that same proportion will there begin to be a newness of life in every respect—in ambitions, hopes, sentiments and efforts. It is for this reason that the revelation of the Divine will and Plan is furnished to believers—that by growing in the knowledge of it, by thinking on these things, by filling the mind with the Divine Plan and will, the transforming influence may extend into every avenue of life—Z '01, 324 (R 2890). The Lord desires our intellects, our affections and our wills. He wants our intellects, so that emptying them of sinful, erroneous, selfish and worldly thoughts, and filling them with just, truthful, loving and spiritual thoughts, our intellects, so emptied and so filled, might become vessels sanctified and meet for the Master's use for the blessing of others and ourselves. He wants our affections and our wills, so that, purging them from sinful, selfish, worldly and erroneous affections and intentions, and filling them with just, truthful, loving and spiritual affections and intentions, our hearts, so purged and filled, might become vessels sanctified and meet for the Master's use for the blessing of others and ourselves. Therefore our text lovingly encourages us to yield our hearts and intellects to God; and blessed in the consequent enrichment of heart and intellect is he who so yields himself—P '30, 184. Parallel passages: Psa. 119:9; Eccles. 12:1; Matt. 13:15; 16:24; John 17:17; Rom. 6:13, 16, 19; 12:1; 15:16; 2 Cor. 8:5; Gal. 2:20; Col. 2:11; Heb. 10:5-7, 10. Hymns: 8, 14, 114, 244, 208, 134, 325. Poems of Dawn, 36: I Offer Thee. Tower Reading: Z '16, 163 (R 5905). Questions: What and how did I do with my consecration this week? Why did I do it? What was the result? |
EVERY heart's throb, it is Thine;
Every human tie of mine;
Every joy, and every pain;
Every act of mind, or brain—
My blessed God!
Every hope, and every fear;
Every smile, and every tear;
Every song and every hymn
"Laudamus Te."
Take them all, my blessed Lord,
Bind them with Thy secret cord;
Glorify Thyself in me—Adored One!
Multiply them by Thy Word,
Strengthen, bless, increase, my Lord,
Perfect in Love!
Thou first, and last!
EVERY heart's throb, it is Thine;
Every human tie of mine;
Every joy, and every pain;
Every act of mind, or brain—
My blessed God!
Every hope, and every fear;
Every smile, and every tear;
Every song and every hymn
"Laudamus Te."
Take them all, my blessed Lord,
Bind them with Thy secret cord;
Glorify Thyself in me—Adored One!
Multiply them by Thy Word,
Strengthen, bless, increase, my Lord,
Perfect in Love!
Thou first, and last!