Gospel WitnessingDo the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry — 2 Tim. 4:5.
To what extent are we each and all zealously using the opportunities which the Lord has put in our power to glorify His name and to bless our sin-sick neighbors, not only by telling them about Jesus and His wonderful words of life, but to what extent are we additionally helping them to come to Him? There are various ways in which we may assist—by word, by letter, by invitation to meetings, etc. However, one necessary element in all help is that our own course of conduct must be in accord with that which we commend to others. If we ourselves have been with Jesus and learned of Him and caught some of His self-sacrifice and love, we will be better able to help others who desire to come to Him—Z '04, 41 (R 3315). Zeal may be defined as an ardent devotion to persons, principles, causes and things, expressing itself in enthusiastic activities on their behalf. It is, therefore, a quality that is ardent, burning, feelingful. It boils over in enthusiastic feelings. The affections are wrought up to a boiling point; and it enlists the energies of body, soul and spirit in its exercise of ardor. It is an ardent devotion; hence it gives itself up in any possible way of self-sacrifice in the interest of the object to whose interest it is devoted. It exercises itself in the interest, sometimes of persons to whom it is attached by affectional devotion, sometimes to principles to which it is attached by ardent devotion, sometimes to a cause to which it is attached by warm advocacy, sometimes to things to which one cleaves with burning devotion and sometimes to a combination of two or more of these with an enthusiastic devotion—P '48, 51. Parallel passages: Psa. 40:3; 69:9; Eccles. 9:10; 11:6; Isa. 61:1-3; 62:1; Jer. 20:9; Matt. 4:17; 5:14; 10:7; 28:19, 20; Mark 16:15; Luke 2:49; John 9:4; 18:37; Acts 1:8; Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 9:16; 15:58; Gal. 6:9, 10; Phil. 2:15, 16; 2 Tim. 4:2. Hymns: 70, 116, 210, 245, 260, 261, 275, 309, 314, 348. Poems of Dawn, 308: We Still Can Serve. Tower Reading: Z '01, 151 (R 2808). Questions: Have I witnessed to the Truth recently? What helped or hindered therein? With what results? |
YOU'RE growing old? Your task is done?
And now you rest with setting sun,
Lamenting that your work is o'er,
That you can't labor any more?
Ah, weary not to do God's will!
Go, labor on, your task fulfill.
You'll always have the Master's care—
The oldest trees some fruit must bear;
For age has labors none the less
Than youth, though in another dress.
As evening twilight fades away
New glories shine, not seen by day.
YOU'RE growing old? Your task is done?
And now you rest with setting sun,
Lamenting that your work is o'er,
That you can't labor any more?
Ah, weary not to do God's will!
Go, labor on, your task fulfill.
You'll always have the Master's care—
The oldest trees some fruit must bear;
For age has labors none the less
Than youth, though in another dress.
As evening twilight fades away
New glories shine, not seen by day.