January 3
Pray without ceasing — 1 Thes. 5:17.
Whatever might be our natural inclinations with reference to definiteness and persistency in prayer, we must take our instructions from the Scriptures; and overcoming our natural predilections, we must as "little children" and as "dear children" conform our views and conduct to the instruction which is from above. Let us all, therefore, remember the words, "Ask [in My name], and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full" (John 16:24). The Heavenly Father has multiplied mercies, blessings and providences in store for His obedient and faithful children who will ask for them—Z '96, 162 (R 2004). The Lord's people ought always to pray and not to faint. The answer long delayed is the blessing most valued. Therefore, continued seeking in prayer for the Father's favor will result in the deepening of our spirituality and the attainment of our holy desires—P '34, 189. Parallel passages: 1 Pet. 4:7; Luke 2:37; 11:5-13; 21:36; Rom. 12:12; Eph. 1:15, 16; 6:18; Phil. 4:6, 7; Col. 1:9; 4:2; Psa. 5:1-3; 42:8; 109:4; 116:2; Dan. 6:10; Acts 6:4; 10:2, 9; Rom. 1:9; 1 Thes. 3:10; 1 Tim. 5:5; 2 Tim. 1:3. Hymns: 35, 239, 1, 26, 48, 69, 115. Poems of Dawn, 115: Pray Without Ceasing. Tower Reading: Z '15, 182 (R 5707). Questions: What have been this week's experiences with ceaseless prayer? What helped or hindered therein? In what did they result? |
UNANSWERED yet, the prayer your lips have pleaded
In agony of heart these many years?
Doth faith begin to fail, is hope declining,
And think you all in vain those falling tears?
Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer,
You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? Tho' when you first presented
This one petition at the Father's throne,
It seemed you could not wait the time of asking,
So anxious was your heart to have it done.
If years have passed since then, do not despair,
For God will answer you sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? But you are not unheeded;
The promises of God forever stand;
To Him our days and years alike are equal.
Have faith in God! It is your Lord's command.
Hold on to Jacob's angel, and your prayer
Shall bring a blessing down, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? Nay, do not say unanswered;
Perhaps your part is not yet wholly done.
The work began when first your prayer was uttered;
And God will finish what He hath begun.
Keep incense burning at the shrine of prayer,
And glory shall descend, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? Faith cannot be unanswered;
Her feet are firmly planted on the Rock.
Amid the wildest storms she stands undaunted,
Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock.
She knows Omnipotence hath heard her prayer,
And cries, "It shall be done, sometime, somewhere!"
UNANSWERED yet, the prayer your lips have pleaded
In agony of heart these many years?
Doth faith begin to fail, is hope declining,
And think you all in vain those falling tears?
Say not the Father hath not heard your prayer,
You shall have your desire, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? Tho' when you first presented
This one petition at the Father's throne,
It seemed you could not wait the time of asking,
So anxious was your heart to have it done.
If years have passed since then, do not despair,
For God will answer you sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? But you are not unheeded;
The promises of God forever stand;
To Him our days and years alike are equal.
Have faith in God! It is your Lord's command.
Hold on to Jacob's angel, and your prayer
Shall bring a blessing down, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? Nay, do not say unanswered;
Perhaps your part is not yet wholly done.
The work began when first your prayer was uttered;
And God will finish what He hath begun.
Keep incense burning at the shrine of prayer,
And glory shall descend, sometime, somewhere.
Unanswered yet? Faith cannot be unanswered;
Her feet are firmly planted on the Rock.
Amid the wildest storms she stands undaunted,
Nor quails before the loudest thunder shock.
She knows Omnipotence hath heard her prayer,
And cries, "It shall be done, sometime, somewhere!"