January 30Jesus spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint — Luke 18:1.
In coming to God we need have no fear that He is too busy with other matters of greater importance, or that He is weary of our coming to Him repeatedly with things of small importance. It was to assure us against this very thing that our Lord spoke the parable of the importunate widow, who was heard and answered on account of her importunity. In so doing we evince both the earnestness of our desires and our faith that our prayers will be answered, if we faint not from lack of faith or zeal when the answer is delayed, as often it must necessarily be, since time is an important element in all God's work—Z '95, 214 (R 1864). How blessed the assurance that the privilege of prayer is ever accessible to the child of God! How glorious is the assurance that omnipotent Love sits on the throne, favoring us! This should encourage us in every perplexity, since omnipotent Love is invincible. Therefore, yoked with God, we can never fail. Our strength will be equal to every demand, and our victories will follow one another in quick succession, until a complete conquest is attained in and by Christ Jesus—P '30, 14. Parallel passages: Luke 2:37; 11:5-13; 21:36; Matt. 15:27, 28; 21:22; John 15:7; 16:23; Rom. 12:12; Isa. 62:6, 7; Psa. 118:5; 2 Cor. 12:8, 9; 1 Thes. 5:17; Heb. 4:16; 1 John 5:14; 3:22; Jas. 1:5, 6; Jer. 29:13. Hymns: 239, 1, 26, 50, 56, 57, 136. Poems of Dawn, 57: Trust in the Lord. Tower Reading: Z '13, 277 (R 5310). Questions: What experiences did I have this week in line with this text? How were they met? What helped or hindered therein? What were their results? |
PSALM 52:8.
O TRUST thyself to Jesus,
When conscious of thy sin—
Of its heavy weight upon thee,
Of its mighty power within.
Then is the hour for pleading
His finished work for thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"His blood was shed for me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When faith is dim and weak,
And the very One thou needest
Thou canst not rise to seek.
Then is the hour for seeing
That He hath come to thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"His touch hath healed me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When tempted to transgress
By hasty word, or angry look.
Or thought of bitterness.
Then is the hour for claiming
Thy Lord to fight for thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"He doth deliver me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When daily cares perplex,
And trifles seem to gain a power
Thine inner soul to vex.
Then is the hour for grasping
His hand who walked the sea;
Then is the time for singing,
"He makes it calm for me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When some truth thou canst not see
For the mists of strife and error,
That veil its form from thee.
Then is the hour for looking
To Him to guide thee right;
Then is the time for singing,
"The Lord shall be my light."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
In bright and happy days,
When tasting earthly gladness,
Or winning human praise.
Then is the hour for hiding
In the shadow of His wings;
Then is the time for singing,
"Praise to the King of kings!"
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When thou art wearied sore,
When head or hand refuses
To think or labor more.
Then is the hour for leaning
Upon the Master's breast;
Then is the time for singing,
"My Savior gives me rest."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When thou art tried with pain;
No power for prayer, the only thought
How to endure the strain.
Then is the hour for resting
In His perfect love for thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"He thinks and cares for me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
In days of feebleness,
When thou canst only dumbly feel
Thine utter helplessness.
Then is the hour for proving
His mighty power in thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"His grace sufficeth me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When thou art full of care
For wanderers whom thou canst not win
Our blessed hope to share.
Then is the hour for trusting
Thy Lord to bring them nigh;
Then is the time for singing,
"He loves them more than I."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When loved ones pass away,
When very lonely seems thy life,
And very dark thy way.
Then is the hour for yielding
Entirely to His will;
Then is the time for singing,
"I have my Savior still."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When flesh and heart do fail,
And thou art called to enter
Death's dark, o'ershadowed vale.
Then is the hour for saying,
I will no evil fear;
Then is the time for singing,
"Lord, Thou art with me here."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
As thy spirit takes its flight,
From every earthly shadow,
To the realm of perfect light.
Then is the hour for shouting,
"Christ hath done all for me!"
Then is the time for singing,
"He gives the victory!"
PSALM 52:8.
O TRUST thyself to Jesus,
When conscious of thy sin—
Of its heavy weight upon thee,
Of its mighty power within.
Then is the hour for pleading
His finished work for thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"His blood was shed for me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When faith is dim and weak,
And the very One thou needest
Thou canst not rise to seek.
Then is the hour for seeing
That He hath come to thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"His touch hath healed me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When tempted to transgress
By hasty word, or angry look.
Or thought of bitterness.
Then is the hour for claiming
Thy Lord to fight for thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"He doth deliver me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When daily cares perplex,
And trifles seem to gain a power
Thine inner soul to vex.
Then is the hour for grasping
His hand who walked the sea;
Then is the time for singing,
"He makes it calm for me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When some truth thou canst not see
For the mists of strife and error,
That veil its form from thee.
Then is the hour for looking
To Him to guide thee right;
Then is the time for singing,
"The Lord shall be my light."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
In bright and happy days,
When tasting earthly gladness,
Or winning human praise.
Then is the hour for hiding
In the shadow of His wings;
Then is the time for singing,
"Praise to the King of kings!"
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When thou art wearied sore,
When head or hand refuses
To think or labor more.
Then is the hour for leaning
Upon the Master's breast;
Then is the time for singing,
"My Savior gives me rest."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When thou art tried with pain;
No power for prayer, the only thought
How to endure the strain.
Then is the hour for resting
In His perfect love for thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"He thinks and cares for me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
In days of feebleness,
When thou canst only dumbly feel
Thine utter helplessness.
Then is the hour for proving
His mighty power in thee;
Then is the time for singing,
"His grace sufficeth me."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When thou art full of care
For wanderers whom thou canst not win
Our blessed hope to share.
Then is the hour for trusting
Thy Lord to bring them nigh;
Then is the time for singing,
"He loves them more than I."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When loved ones pass away,
When very lonely seems thy life,
And very dark thy way.
Then is the hour for yielding
Entirely to His will;
Then is the time for singing,
"I have my Savior still."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
When flesh and heart do fail,
And thou art called to enter
Death's dark, o'ershadowed vale.
Then is the hour for saying,
I will no evil fear;
Then is the time for singing,
"Lord, Thou art with me here."
O trust thyself to Jesus,
As thy spirit takes its flight,
From every earthly shadow,
To the realm of perfect light.
Then is the hour for shouting,
"Christ hath done all for me!"
Then is the time for singing,
"He gives the victory!"