July 6What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose — Psa. 25:12.
It is not for us to supervise the trials and difficulties which may beset us. It is for us to make an unreserved consecration of ourselves to the Lord and then leave to Him the decision of how great shall be our trials and besetments, how great our sacrifices in following His leadings. The Lord may see that some need special trials more than others, and those things which to some would be great trials and imply great sacrifices, to others, because of greater love to the Lord and His cause, and greater zeal for service, the sacrifice might be, as the Apostle expresses it of his own, "light afflictions, which are but for a moment, and which are working out a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory"—Z '99, 13 (R 2416). To fear the Lord means to reverence Him; and the man who reverences God obeys Him, from duty and from disinterested love. Such an one God undertakes to teach the way of life, directing his heart and mind to eschew and reject the paths of evil and to love and choose the paths of right. If our reverence for God is genuine, we may trust with implicit faith that He will make our pathway bright. And our faith will be realized—P '33, 80. Parallel passages: Deut. 4:10; 10:12, 20, 21; Josh. 24:14; 1 Sam. 2:30; 12:24; 2 Chron. 19:7; Psa. 2:11; 4:4; 25:13, 14; 33:8, 18; 34:7, 9, 11; 89:7; 103:13; 145:19; Prov. 1:7; Isa. 8:13; Matt. 10:28; Acts 13:16, 26; 2 Cor. 7:1; Heb. 12:28; Rev. 11:18. Hymns: 145, 11, 45, 55, 83, 46, 136. Poems of Dawn, 112: Lead Me. Tower Reading: Z '97, 256 (R 2208). Questions: What have been this week's experiences in line with this text? How were they used? In what did they result? LEAD ME
I DO not ask, dear Lord, that life may be A pleasant road; I do not ask that Thou wouldst take from me Aught of its load; I do not ask that flowers should always spring Beneath my feet; I know too well the poison and the sting Of things too sweet. For one thing only, Lord, dear Lord, I plead: Lead me aright, Tho' strength should falter, and tho' heart should bleed, Through peace to light. I do not ask, dear Lord, that Thou shouldst shed Full radiance here; Give but a ray of peace, that I may tread Without a fear; I do not ask my cross to understand, My way to see; Better, in darkness, just to feel Thy hand, And follow Thee. Joy is like restless day, but peace Divine Like quiet night; Lead me, O Lord, till perfect day shall shine, Through peace to light. |