March 7If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us — 1 John 4:12.
Whether I am something or nothing in God's estimation is to be measured by my love for Him, for His brethren, for His cause, for the world in general, and even for my enemies, rather than by my knowledge or fame or oratory. In the measurement of character, therefore, we are to put love first, and to consider it the chief test of our nearness and acceptance to the Lord. Those who have received the holy Spirit should all be good tempered. In no way can we better show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light than by the exhibition of the spirit of love in the daily affairs of life—Z '03, 56, 57 (R 3150). The Scriptures declare that God is love, and that He dwells in His people, not personally, but by His Spirit, His qualities. Consequently, whoever exhibits this quality of love is indwelt by God, and he who continues to manifest this quality amid the various experiences of life will have the joy of seeing the Divine love perfected in him—P '35, 31. Parallel passages: John 3:16; 6:54-56; 13:34; 14:21-23; 15:7-12; 17:21; 1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16; 1 John 3:16-18, 22-24; 4:7, 13, 15-19; Rom. 8:8-17; Gal. 4:5, 6. Hymns: 165, 166, 23, 47, 74, 114, 105. Poems of Dawn, 97: In My Name. Tower Reading: Z '11, 205 (R 4849). Questions: What were this week's experiences in line with this text? How were they met? What assisted or hindered therein? In what did they result? |
THERE were only two or three of us
Who came to the place of prayer—
Came in the teeth of the driving storm;
But for that we did not care,
Since after our hymns of praise had risen,
And our earnest prayers were said,
The Master Himself was present there,
And He gave us the living bread.
We noted the look in each other's face,
So loving, and glad, and free;
We felt His touch when our heads were bowed,
We heard His "Come to Me!"
Nobody saw Him lift the latch,
And none unbarred the door;
But "Peace" was His token in every heart,
And how could we ask for more?
Each of us felt the relief from sin,
Christ's purchase for one and all;
Each of us dropped his load of care,
And heard the Heavenly call;
And over our spirits a blessed calm
Swept in from the Jasper Sea,
And strength was ours for the toil of life
In the days that were yet to be.
It was only a handful gathered in
To the little place of prayer,
Outside were struggle and strife and sin,
But the Lord Himself was there.
He came to redeem the pledge He gave—
Wherever his loved ones be,
To give His comfort and joy to them,
Though they count but two or three.
THERE were only two or three of us
Who came to the place of prayer—
Came in the teeth of the driving storm;
But for that we did not care,
Since after our hymns of praise had risen,
And our earnest prayers were said,
The Master Himself was present there,
And He gave us the living bread.
We noted the look in each other's face,
So loving, and glad, and free;
We felt His touch when our heads were bowed,
We heard His "Come to Me!"
Nobody saw Him lift the latch,
And none unbarred the door;
But "Peace" was His token in every heart,
And how could we ask for more?
Each of us felt the relief from sin,
Christ's purchase for one and all;
Each of us dropped his load of care,
And heard the Heavenly call;
And over our spirits a blessed calm
Swept in from the Jasper Sea,
And strength was ours for the toil of life
In the days that were yet to be.
It was only a handful gathered in
To the little place of prayer,
Outside were struggle and strife and sin,
But the Lord Himself was there.
He came to redeem the pledge He gave—
Wherever his loved ones be,
To give His comfort and joy to them,
Though they count but two or three.