May 23Ye also ought to wash one another's feet — John 13:14.
This would signify that the disciples of Christ should have a mutual watch-care over one another's welfare; to keep each other clean, holy, pure, and to assist one another in overcoming the trials and temptations and besetments of this present evil world, arising from the three sources of temptation, "the world, the flesh and the devil." Only as we cultivate the various graces of the Spirit—meekness, patience, gentleness, brotherly kindness, love—can we hope to be specially helpful to others in putting on these adornments of character and purities of life, and to get rid of defilements of the world and the flesh—Z '97, 243 (R 2200). Certainly in exhorting us to wash one another's feet, the Lord did not mean our literal feet, for this under present conditions would be the reverse of the spirit He manifested in washing His disciples' feet. As the washing of their feet by Jesus made them comfortable and thus served them, so His exhortation to us to wash one another's feet would signify to serve one another in love, even in the humblest ways—P '35, 62. Parallel passages: Matt. 4:19; 10:16-24; 20:25-28; 23:8-11; John 4:36-38; Luke 10:1, 2; Acts 6:3, 4; 13:1-3; 20:24; Rom. 10:14, 15; 1 Cor. 9:16-20; 2 Cor. 5:18-20; Eph. 4:11, 12; Heb. 5:4; Isa. 32:20; 52:11; Jer. 20:9; Mal 2:6, 7; John 13:13-17; 1 Cor. 3:7-10. Hymns: 309, 22, 275, 70, 210, 23, 49. Poems of Dawn, 169: Go, Labor On. Tower Reading: Z '12, 273 (R 5090). Questions: Have I this week served the brethren? How? Why? Under what circumstances? With what result? |
GO, labor on; spend and be spent,—
Thy joy to do thy Father's will;
It is the way the Master went;
Should not the servant tread it still?
Go, labor on; 'tis not for naught;
Thine earthly loss is heavenly gain;
Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not;
The Master praises—what are men?
Go, labor on; enough, while here,
If He shall praise thee—if He deign
Thy willing heart to mark and cheer;
No toil for Him shall be in vain.
Men sit in darkness at thy side,
Without a hope beyond the tomb;
Take up the torch and wave it wide,
The torch that lights the thickest gloom.
Go, labor on; thy hands are weak,
Thy knees are faint, thy soul cast down,
Yet falter not; the prize we seek,
Is near—a Kingdom and a crown!
GO, labor on; spend and be spent,—
Thy joy to do thy Father's will;
It is the way the Master went;
Should not the servant tread it still?
Go, labor on; 'tis not for naught;
Thine earthly loss is heavenly gain;
Men heed thee, love thee, praise thee not;
The Master praises—what are men?
Go, labor on; enough, while here,
If He shall praise thee—if He deign
Thy willing heart to mark and cheer;
No toil for Him shall be in vain.
Men sit in darkness at thy side,
Without a hope beyond the tomb;
Take up the torch and wave it wide,
The torch that lights the thickest gloom.
Go, labor on; thy hands are weak,
Thy knees are faint, thy soul cast down,
Yet falter not; the prize we seek,
Is near—a Kingdom and a crown!