October 12Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow — Matt. 6:28.
Our Lord calls attention to how such simple things in nature should be studied, be considered. The lessons to be learned in connection with all the affairs of life will be helpful to such as approach the study from the right standpoint, of faith in the Creator, and a realization that He is necessarily the embodiment and representative of the very highest and very noblest qualities of which the human mind could conceive; that He is perfect in Justice, perfect in Wisdom, perfect in Power, perfect in Love. … The heart that thus considers makes progress, grows in grace, in knowledge, in love. The heart that fails to consider the little things fails to be able to appreciate the larger things, and thus is hindered from a proper consideration of God and from a proper appreciation of His plan, and thus from a proper appreciation of His character—Z '04, 37, 38 (R 3312). The lesson which the Lord here inculcates is not that we should be inactive and indolent, but that we be free from worry, while co-operating with Him in producing our growth in grace and knowledge; for the lilies of the field do work, but do so without worry or exercise of anxiety. They absorb the sap which they imbibe. In doing this free from worry, as they grow in beauty, they teach us that we are faithfully to imbibe the Truth and absorb its Spirit, and while doing so to be free from worry and anxious care. Such a course will enable us to grow beautiful spiritually, with a beauty surpassing that of the lilies of the field. 'Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished!—P '33, 147. Parallel passages: Prov. 16:3; Jer. 17:7, 8; Matt. 6:25-27, 29-34; Psa. 55:22; Luke 12:23; Phil. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:7; Job 38:41; Psa. 104:10, 11. Hymns: 313, 56, 63, 87, 99, 330, 333. Poems of Dawn, 185: I Can Trust. Tower Reading: Z '16, 341 (R 5990). Questions: Have I this week worried or trusted? Why? What helped or hindered therein? With what results? |
I CANNOT see, with my small human sight,
Why God should lead this way or that for me;
I only know He saith, "Child, follow me."
But I can trust.
I know not why my path should be at times
So straitly hedged, so strangely barred before;
I only know God could keep wide the door.
But I can trust.
I often wonder, as with trembling hand
I cast the seed along the furrowed ground,
If ripened fruit for God will there be found.
But I can trust.
I cannot know why suddenly the storm
Should rage so fiercely round me in its wrath;
But this I know, God watches still my path—
And I can trust.
I CANNOT see, with my small human sight,
Why God should lead this way or that for me;
I only know He saith, "Child, follow me."
But I can trust.
I know not why my path should be at times
So straitly hedged, so strangely barred before;
I only know God could keep wide the door.
But I can trust.
I often wonder, as with trembling hand
I cast the seed along the furrowed ground,
If ripened fruit for God will there be found.
But I can trust.
I cannot know why suddenly the storm
Should rage so fiercely round me in its wrath;
But this I know, God watches still my path—
And I can trust.