October 25Deal courageously, and the LORD shall be with the good — 2 Chron. 19:11.
Whoever has a duty to perform, let him not fear, and while seeking to do unpleasant tasks in a kindly manner, both justly and lovingly, let us fear not man, but rather fear the Lord and be intent on pleasing Him. Let the world fight its fight; the Lord will supervise and the results will be glorious eventually. Let us who belong to the new nation, to the new Kingdom that is not of this world, who use no carnal weapons, but the sword of the Spirit—let us fight the good fight of faith, lay hold upon the glorious things set before us, and not only stand ourselves but also help all those with the same Spirit and members of the same spiritual army corps to stand, complete in Him who is the Head, the Captain of our Salvation—Z '04, 207, 205 (R 3393). To deal courageously does not imply that we underrate our difficulties, tasks or enemies, nor that we overrate our abilities and attainments. It implies that we soberly estimate everything connected with our Christian warfare; and therefore realize that greater are they that are for us, than they that are against us. This will enable us with hearts full of hope for victory bravely to face all dangers. If to our courage we add goodness of heart, He who works all things for good to them that love God will give us mercy for our human lacks, faults and weakness and our immaturities of the new heart, mind and will, and grace to help in every time of need—P '34, 143. Parallel passages: Josh. 1:1-9; 2 Chron. 15:7, 8; Prov. 28:1; Ezek. 2:6; 3:9; 1 Cor. 16:13; Phil. 1:27, 28; 2 Tim. 1:7; Gen. 22:1-14; Judg. 6:25-31; Ezra 8:22, 23; 5:11; Dan. 3:16-18; 6:10; Acts 4:19; 5:29; Rev. 2:10. Hymns: 13, 20, 136, 183, 261, 266, 272. Poems of Dawn, 44: Gideon's Band. Tower Reading: Z '14, 71 (R 5413). Questions: What has this text done for me this week? How? What were the results? |
"COUNT me the swords that have come."
"Lord, thousands on thousands are ready."
"Lo! These are too many, and with them are some
Whose hearts and whose hands are not steady.
He whose soul does not burn,
Let him take up his tent and return."
"Count me the swords that remain."
"Lord, hundreds on hundreds are daring."
"These yet are too many for Me to attain
To the victory I am preparing.
Lead them down to the brink
Of the waters of Marah to drink."
"Lord, those who remain are but few,
And the hosts of the foe are appalling,
And what can a handful such as we do?"
"When ye hear from beyond My voice calling,
Sound the trump! Hold the light!
Great Midian will melt in your sight!"
"COUNT me the swords that have come."
"Lord, thousands on thousands are ready."
"Lo! These are too many, and with them are some
Whose hearts and whose hands are not steady.
He whose soul does not burn,
Let him take up his tent and return."
"Count me the swords that remain."
"Lord, hundreds on hundreds are daring."
"These yet are too many for Me to attain
To the victory I am preparing.
Lead them down to the brink
Of the waters of Marah to drink."
"Lord, those who remain are but few,
And the hosts of the foe are appalling,
And what can a handful such as we do?"
"When ye hear from beyond My voice calling,
Sound the trump! Hold the light!
Great Midian will melt in your sight!"