October 31Because thy lovingkindness [favor] is better than life, my lips shall praise thee — Psa. 63:3.
Those who have tasted of the Lord's grace, those who have come to realize his favor as better than life, and who have joyfully laid upon His altar every earthly good thing, and hope and ambition, rejoice to tell the good tidings to others; they rejoice to tell forth the praises of Him who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. The message is too good to keep; they not only do not require to be hired to tell it, but they are willing that the telling of it, and the enjoying of God's favor in connection with the telling, shall cost them something—cost them trouble, cost them money, cost them the loss of earthly friendships, cost the straining, if not the breaking, of some home ties, cost them the frown of the world and of churchianity—Z '01, 246 (R 2850). God's loving kindness to us consists of His favors to us in Creation, Providence, Redemption, Instruction, Justification, Sanctification and Deliverance. But the particular lovingkindness here meant is the calling to the heavenly nature with Christ, extended and realized. This is much better than human life, and its privileges are higher, as the heavens are higher than the earth. Such a calling gives lips, truthful teachings, that manifest Jehovah's praises, His glorious wisdom, power, justice and love. Therefore, let us declare His marvelous Plan, which makes His praises known—P '35, 132. Parallel passages: Ex. 15:1, 2; Job 36:24; Psa. 7:17; 9:11; 22:22-25; 28:6, 7; 30:4; 33:1-3; 35:18; 43:3, 4; Isa. 38:17; Luke 1:46, 47; John 14:23. Hymns: 238, 235, 236, 237, 273, 19, 37. Poems of Dawn, 283: Will His Work Endure? Tower Reading: Z '14, 118 (R 5440). Questions: What were this week's experiences in line with this text? How were they met? What helped or hindered therein? What were the results? |
WILL "that Servant's" work endure?
Ah, yes! Of this we may be sure:
For he was faithful, wise and true
And brought forth truths, both old and new.
Though Satan's error now enshrouds
And hides the light with darkest clouds,
Our God will shake and then remove
All things that He cannot approve.
"Truth crushed to earth shall rise again"
And in its purity remain,
Unconquered by the Devil's arts
In even its minutest parts.
Will "that Servant's" work endure?
Ah, yes, with all that's good and pure!
For sin and error flee away
Before the light of coming Day!
WILL "that Servant's" work endure?
Ah, yes! Of this we may be sure:
For he was faithful, wise and true
And brought forth truths, both old and new.
Though Satan's error now enshrouds
And hides the light with darkest clouds,
Our God will shake and then remove
All things that He cannot approve.
"Truth crushed to earth shall rise again"
And in its purity remain,
Unconquered by the Devil's arts
In even its minutest parts.
Will "that Servant's" work endure?
Ah, yes, with all that's good and pure!
For sin and error flee away
Before the light of coming Day!